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Our Vision

Every child "fits in" at Tiny Hands Big Futures
Hugi Hub and Den at Halfway Sheffield is our established unique specialist child and family centre
Hugi Nest Therapeutic Outreach Centre at Charnock Sheffield
The Hugi teams support children and their families, in partnership with others to ‘curiously' explore with ‘wonder’ to realise their full potential, particularly children who require that little bit more support, are finding school overwhelming and need specialist support. A nurturing place where they can truly be themselves through expression, mindfulness, with mental health and wellbeing at the heart.
All based on the 'Hygge' Philosophy and Pedagogy.
We underpin our practice based on New Zealand's Te Whariki Approach and Trauma Informed Schools UK
Our centres are calm and welcoming, safe and secure and adapted to meet everyones individual needs. We encourage continuous development and improvement for all by promoting the sharing of expertise in the community, in schools, and welcoming the community in shared experiences.
We offer places for children in Foundation Stage 2, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Magical Moments
At Hugi we hope our children experience ‘wow’ moments, magical moments, times when their eyes sparkle! Their cogs are turning, then comes learning and their smiles stretch from ear to ear. It is at those times you know that you have the environment right and the children feel safe and are fully engaged in their learning and they are empowered to discover more.
Our outside space is fantastic for exploring. You can make mud pies in the mud kitchen.Create exciting magic potions and spells. Build dens with sticks, splash in puddles. Pretend to build a fire and sing. Relax in a hammock.
Go on a fairy, elf, furry creature or bug hunt .Explore for tiny doors and houses and leave them some messages and treats.
Every child "fits in" at Hugi
“When inclusive education is fully embraced, we abandon the idea that children have to become ‘normal’ in order to contribute to the world. We begin to look beyond typical ways of becoming valued members of the community, and in doing so, begin to realise the achievable goal of providing all children with an authentic sense of belonging.”
― Norman Kunc.
We work in partnership with schools/commissioners to agree the curriculum that we are focusing on for each individual child. The AP programme and the targets for the child will be written in partnership and be based upon the My Plan, EHCP, other professional guidance considering the child’s curriculum level.
Happy, Healthy, Joyful, Curious
In order for the children to thrive we specialise in writing and delivering individual bespoke programmes of support and interventions for children.
Inside at Hugi it is cosy and warm and very calm. You can cuddle in a blanket at the side of the fireplace. Lay and relax while listening to calm music with your ears, chasing twinkly light with your eyes, all while stroking furry beanbags and feathers. Paint, draw and colour while listening to music and talking with new friends. Bake a cake, buns, bread or other exciting things together.
Play games, build with lego, write letters, make play dough, have fun.
To get cosy, warm and relaxed you might want to bring your favourite cuddly toy, a warm jumper, socks or slippers. All in an environment that a child feels safe to thrive and ready to learn.
